Family Pictures 2013

Family Pictures 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Summer is coming to an end

Well summer is coming to a close and things here at the Belnap home are starting to settle down. We really like our new place and our new ward. Devin is in his third week of dental school and loving it. It's a lot of work but he loves it. I'm just working part time and trying to find babysitters for Elias.  Eli is now 14 months and loves being outside. His new thing is saying Hi. It's really funny. Yesterday we were at the grocery store and He was saying hi to everyone that walked by. He loves swimming and splashing around in the water. He has 11 teeth and I can feel another one on the way. He loves to dance to music. Sometimes you can barely hear it in the distance and he starts to dance. This summer has been fun, I already miss having Devin around. 
Eli playing outside while we were working in the garden.

My 2nd (25th) Birthday!

Hiking up to bridal veil falls.

I'm balancing a lady on my head in this one. I'm pretty talented;)

Grandpa & Grandma Belnap got Eli some long johns from Alaska.

We went camping up big cottonwood canyon. Eli was definitely in his element.

We went on a hike and right by the trail was a momma moose and a baby moose. It was awesome just as long as we keep a good distance!

Elias and his cool dude sun glasses.

First day of dental school.

Seven Peaks water park.

Eli sporting his cute little rompers.

He's a true boy:)

He loves his stuffed animals.

sticks, sticks and more sticks

Hiking up Bells canyon with our friends.

The ducks were funny to watch swimming around with their tails sticking up.

Bear lake over the 4th of July.