Family Pictures 2013

Family Pictures 2013

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 24 (6 Months)!

Yeah! I am 6 months (24 weeks) and getting bigger. Things are going good. Last week I felt the baby kick on the outside, it was so cool. Since then he has kicked and moved around a lot but I have yet to catch him in time for Devin to feel it. It's been really fun knowing it's a boy and start making baby stuff for him. I have painted some frames and a shelf, made two blankets and my mom and I found a really nice changing table at DI. I'll have to post the pictures of the blankets cuz they turned out really cute. Next weekend I'm having my first baby shower and I am really excited! The newest craving that I have is Salsa Verde Doritos. They are sooooo good and that's all I wanted for dinner a couple of nights. I could eat a whole bag in two day. Oh man, that's awful, but they're soooo good. I've also been drinking a lot more milk. I liked milk before but now I want to drink it with every meal. I must need more calcium in my diet, which isn't a bad idea because I'm prone to osteoporosis. Tomorrow I have another Doctors appointment so I hope all goes well.

Friday, February 24, 2012

P.F. Chang's Lettuce Wraps

A couple weeks ago I was talking to my sister Erica and she mentioned P.F. Chang's and instantly the lettuce wraps came to mind. We don't have P.F. Chang's around here so I started looking online for the recipe. I found a really good recipe here . We tried it out and loved it! It was really really good and pretty close to the real stuff but I haven't been to P.F. Chang's in a long time so don't get mad if you try it and it's not exact. Just writing this post I think I'm going to make them again tonight, Yumm! The recipe says 2-3 servings but I would say it's more like 4-5 servings. Well, hope you enjoy this splendid dinner idea and have a fabulous weekend.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day!

I Love Valentine's Day. I love making all the v-day goodies and writing letters to those I love. Devin and I had a wonderful day. We had heart shaped pancakes the Saturday before v-day and that night we went out to Gator Jack's, went to our stake v-day dance and then saw Sherlock Holmes 2. We had a very fun valentines date night. On Valentines day Devin had a 3 hour test and we had a bowling game (we're on a byui bowling team) so we just did something simple that night. For dinner I made honey lime chicken enchiladas and for dessert we had better than sex cake, yumm. I had the table all romanticky and after dinner we exchanged gifts, well I gave him my gift but his wasn't ready, he owes me something big for that. Well, we had a fun night with just the two of us and next year will be a lot different but I'm looking forward to it.
Homemade oreo cookies:)
with pink frosting,
Devin thinks it's green. hehe

Pink heart shaped pancakes made by Devin.

Friday, February 10, 2012

What time is it?

I made a bead watch with some Christmas money I still had. It was really easy and fun to make. I thought it turned out pretty good and it fits my wrist perfect. (I have small wrists so bracelets are usually a little big). I wanted a gold one since I had a silver one I wore everyday. It was good "timing" because I've had my silver fossil watch for four years and it stopped working the day after I made this one. I'll just have to get a new battery but it worked out pretty good.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Boy or Girl?

That's right, we are having a BOY! We are so excited. The ultrasound was really neat and we got some 3D pictures too. He was moving a lot and the umbilical cord was between his legs so it was kinda hard to find his manhood but sure enough there it was. Devin was so excited he almost jumped out of his seat when the doctor told us it was a boy. It's crazy to see the little man child moving around in me. It was really really neat and I loved that appointment.